U.S.A. - NewYork, New York Philharmonic Orchestra    audizioninews  18-Feb-2014 17:12  0  2018 reads

• assistant principal viola e/o viola di fila

Termine delle iscrizioni il 31 agosto 2017

Please be advised that the New York Philharmonic orchestra is on vacation from August 1st, 2017 September 13th, 2017. As a result, the Audition Committee will be unable to review applications submitted past the July 26th, 2017 deadline, and applicants will likely be required to submit a recorded preliminary audition.

It is assumed that any applicant for this position will accept employment with the New York Philharmonic if it is offered. If you will not accept employment with the New York Philharmonic, please do not participate in this audition process.

You have the choice of playing a live preliminary audition in New York or sending a recording of the preliminary audition. The repertoire is the same for both options. Due to the limited availability of David Geffen Hall, some applicants who wish to play a live preliminary audition may be asked to submit a recorded audition. Best efforts will be made to schedule everyone who wishes to play a live audition. Times and dates for live auditions will be confirmed by July 29th, 2017.

If you submit a recorded audition, please submit the recorded audition no later than Thursday, September 14th, 2017. Recorded auditions received after Thursday, September 14th, 2017 will not be considered. You will be notified of the results of the recorded audition no later than Saturday, September 16th, 2017.

Live preliminary auditions will be held in New York on the following dates:

Thursday, September 14th, 2017 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 Sunday, September 17th, 2017 Monday, September 18th, 2017

Candidates who are advanced from either the live or the recorded preliminary audition will play a live semi-final audition on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017.

Final auditions will be held on Sunday, September 24th, 2017. There may be sight-reading materials in the semi-final and final auditions. An accompanist will be provided for the concertos in the final round.

Live auditions, except for the finals, will be held behind a screen on stage at David Geffen Hall. Please be aware that the audition committee of the New York Philharmonic reserves the right to dismiss any candidate at any point during auditions. 

Please note that finalists may be required to play with the New York Philharmonic for a period of time as part of the final audition process.

Reimbursement of travel expenses is paid to those selected for the final audition. We are unable to reimburse expenses booked via credit card rewards points/programs.

Please be aware that the New York Philharmonic bears no responsibility in obtaining work permits for applicants who are not naturalized United States citizens. Employment will not be offered to applicants who have an unfulfilled obligation, such as military service, to his/her country of origin. Please do not audition if this applies to you.

All questions or inquiries should be directed to auditions@nyphil.org


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